Profesora Jessie and Lacy
At some point in our lives, we have all experienced a papier-mâché project on some level - perhaps you made a piñata for extra credit in Spanish class. Or maybe you crafted the most amazing dragon mask for your son's Halloween costume.
In our case, we had loads of red and white balloons left over from our Día de San Valentín Party. We don't like to see anything go to waste - therefore a craft project emerged - Papier Mâché!
We learned that Papier Mâché is French for 'chewed paper' and it is a composite material utilizing pieces of paper and an adhesive. We opted to follow the traditional method of making papier-mâché and used a mixture of water and flour. We snagged ten periódicos (newspapers), rolled up our sleeves and jumped right in.
We divided the project into two Friday sessions. The first Friday was dedicated to papier mâché-ing balloons - what a fun mess we made! The second Friday was dedicated to completing a worksheet aimed to identify three personal unique strengths or abilities - inspired by our ongoing paso a paso program (thank you Profesora Kendra!). The worksheet would then be used to decorate the papier mâchéd globos (balloons).
water, flour, newspaper, balloons
(side note: 'globo' is spanish for balloon - we recommend saying globos because it is more fun!)
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