Thursday, 1 May 2014

Creative Writing & Theatre | Workshop Designed by Profesora Talisa

Profesora Talisa planned a lesson designed to inspire the children to write short stories and focus on creative writing skills.

First, Profesora Talisa initiated a group brainstorming session to get the ideas flowing. She selected three categories to help provide structure for their stories:

Personajes -- Characters
Escenario / Lugar -- Stage / Location
Argumento -- Argument, Story, Plot, Scenario

When the brainstorming session was compete, the students were divided into groups based on grade as we had a room full of primary students ranging from grade one to six.

Working together, the students drafted a rough outline. Once the group was in agreement on the direction of the story, they moved on to create their final copy with illustrations.

The students presented their stories to the class. A week later, we dedicated the day to Theatre! The students were thrilled to act out their short stories whilst wearing costumes! 

Photos and write-up by Profesora Lacy


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